8x8 SDI Router w/ AES Audio Follow
Model 861-XL818F
8 x 8, SDI, AES Audio Follow
Local or Remote Control Panel
AFV, breakaway, or X-Y Control
Maximum of 256 Remote Panels
RS-232 Serial Control, Standard
The 800 Series Routing Switchers are wide
bandwidth vertical interval switchers designed for
professional video production facilities. The
compact design of Link’s routing switchers makes
them an essential part of any facility.
The Link Switcher’s flexibility is unmatched in the
industry. Modular construction offers unique
flexibility to the user, and provides an easy means
of adding additional features or upgrading to digital
modules. Power supplies are accessible from the
front of the unit and may be easily installed or
removed. SDI switching may easily be converted
to analog by adding field installable modules.
Packaged in a 19” rack mountable chassis, the
switchers are supplied with a single front-loaded
power supply. An optional redundant power
supply is available. High quality front panel push
buttons are used for selection of inputs and
Industry standard BNC connectors are used for
video inputs and removable 3-Pin connectors are
used for stereo audio inputs and outputs.
Remote control panels are interconnected with
standard Ethernet 10Base2 single coax
connections. RS-232 is provided through a
standard D-sub connector. Panels can be set to
control a single output bus or the entire matrix.
Routersare available for analog video only, analog
video with stereo audio follow, digital video only,
and digital video with two-stream AES/EBU audio
follow. (Note: the 32 x 32 switcher is not available
with digital switching.)
The Link 8 x 8 routing system features:
Modular Design – plug-in modules for video & audio. No active components on the frame.
Two power supply slots are accessible from the front panel. One power supply is standard.
A redundant power supply is available as an option.
Detachable X-Y front panel control with Ethernet 10Base2 coax connection.
Analog video only models and models with audio follow video.
Digital video only models and models with analog audio follow.
Digital video only models and models with digital audio follow.
RS-232 control standard.
Remote Mounting Kits for Control Panels
The supplied control panel for all switchers is shipped installed into the front of the main electronics
chassis. The control panel can be removed from the electronics chassis in the field and installed into a
remote mounting kit. The mounting kit hardware includes rack-mounting hardware for the control panel, a
blank panel(s) that is installed onto the front of the electronics chassis, and a power supply. Order the
appropriate rack mounting kit from the list below:
8 x 8 Analog Video Only Routing Switcher
8 x 8 Analog Video Routing Switcher with Stereo Audio Follow Video
8 x 8 Analog Video Routing Switcher with AES Audio Follow Video
ELECTRONICS, INC. g 2137 Rust Avenue g Cape Girardeau, MO 63703-7668
Phone 573 334 4433 g FAX 573 334 9255
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