Ultra320 SCSI
Host Adapters
A p r i l 2 0 0 4
Version 2.2
This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The
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Document DB15-000192-03, Version 2.2 (April 2004)
This document describes the LSI Logic Corporation Ultra320 SCSI Host
Adapters and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of
this product until rescinded by an update.
The PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express interfaces are compatible with the PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 2.2, PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 1.0a, and PCI Express Bridge Specification, Revision 1.0. The SCSI
interface is compatible with the ANSI draft standard X3T10.11/1142.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein
at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or
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except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or
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LSI Logic or third parties.
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
LSI Logic, the LSI Logic logo design, Fusion-MPT, Integrated Mirroring,
Integrated RAID, Integrated Striping, and SureLINK are trademarks or registered
trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. Windows and Windows NT are registered
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For a current list of our distributors, sales offices, and design resource
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Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
This document is the user’s guide for all LSI Logic Ultra320 SCSI Host
Adapters. It contains a functional description of the Ultra320 SCSI host
adapters as well as physical and electrical specifications. It also contains
instructions for installing the host adapters and for connecting SCSI
devices to them.
This document assumes that you have some familiarity with SCSI
protocol and related support devices. This document benefits people
installing and using the various Ultra320 SCSI host adapters.
This document has the following chapters and appendix:
for installing your Ultra320 SCSI host adapter and Windows
device drivers.
instructions for installing your Ultra320 SCSI host adapter.
the various Ultra320 SCSI host adapters and provides PCI and SCSI
interface information.
in this book.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Related Publications
LSI53C1020/1020A PCI to Ultra320 SCSI Controller Technical Manual,
Document No. DB14-000176-06
LSI53C1030 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Multifunction Controller
Technical Manual, Document No. DB14-000156-05
Fusion-MPT™ Device Management User’s Guide, Document No.
Integrated RAID User’s Guide, Document No. DB15-000292-00
Revision Record
Version Date
9/2001 This release provides information about the LSI22320-R, LSI21320, and
LSI20320 Ultra320 SCSI to PCI Host Adapters.
5/2002 Final version.
7/2003 Corrected glossary entries for Ultra160 and Ultra320. Other minor editing also.
In Section 3.3.2, corrected storage temp range to −40 °C to 105 °C.
4/2004 Added the following host adapters: LSIU320, LSIU320-R, LSI20320A,
LSI20320A-R, LSI20320L-R, LSI22320T, LSI22320E and LSI22320E-R. Added
information about Integrated RAID (IR). Deleted the LSI20320H host adapter.
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
LSI20320, LSI20320-R, and LSI21320L-R Host
Adapter Drawing
LSIU320, LSIU320-R, LSI20320A, and LSI20320A-R
Host Adapter Drawing
Ultra320 SCSI to PCI/PCI-X or PCI Express x4
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Quick Installation
This chapter contains general information about Ultra320 SCSI
controllers and host adapters. It provides quick host adapter installation
instructions and SCSI bus setup for experienced computer users. It also
provides quick installation instructions for Windows device drivers. This
chapter includes these topics:
1.1 General Description
LSI Logic provides high-performance, cost-effective Ultra320 SCSI
and their associated host adapters that support Ultra320 SCSI. For
specific information about the Ultra320 SCSI controllers, refer to the
of an adapter name indicates a feature such as: A = low cost;
E = PCI Express; L = low profile; R = Integrated RAID™ solution; and
T = target mode.
Table 1.1
Ultra320 SCSI Controllers and Host Adapters
Host Adapters
LSI20320, LSI20320-R, LSI20320L-R
LSIU320, LSIU320-R, LSI20320A, LSI20320A-R
LSI22320E, LSI22320E-R
LSI21320, LSI21320-R, LSI22320, LSI22320-R
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installing any of these host adapters in your PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express
system allows you to connect up to 15 SCSI devices per channel over a
SCSI bus. The LSI20320L-R is designed with a bracket that is suitable
for low profile applications.
To achieve Ultra320 SCSI performance, you must connect only
Low Voltage Differential (LVD) devices to the host adapter. If you connect
single-ended (SE) devices and LVD devices, the entire bus drops to the
lower SE speed, limiting bus performance to Ultra SCSI.
The Ultra320 SCSI host adapters support all major operating systems
(OS), such as Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, and XP), Linux, NetWare,
UnixWare, SCO OpenServer 5.x, and Solaris SPARC. Other software
support includes SureLINK™ Domain Validation, which ensures
data integrity by intelligently testing the SCSI interconnect before
completing negotiation.
The Ultra320 SCSI host adapters utilize Fusion-MPT™ architecture for
all major operating systems, which allows for thinner drivers and better
performance. To obtain a device driver that supports your operating
system, contact the LSI Logic technical support team at 800-633-4545
1.2 Quick Host Adapter Installation
Use these quick installation steps if you have installed computer add-in
boards before and connected devices to them. For more detailed
To install an Ultra320 SCSI host adapter, follow these steps:
Step 1. Turn off and unplug the computer.
Be sure to disconnect the computer’s power before you
remove the cover and install the Ultra320 SCSI host
adapter. Failure to do so may result in exposure to shock,
electrical hazards, and/or mechanical hazards.
Step 2. Open your computer cabinet by removing its cover.
Quick Installation Procedures
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Step 3. Be sure to touch a grounded metal surface to discharge static
electricity before handling the host adapter.
Step 4. Remove the host adapter from its packaging and examine it for
any damage.
Step 5. Locate an unused PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express slot.
Step 6. Insert your SCSI host adapter into the selected slot.
Step 7. Connect the internal and external SCSI devices to connectors
on one SCSI channel.
Step 8. Install SCSI bus terminators at the ends of the SCSI bus.
The SCSI bus must be properly terminated.
Step 9. Set the SCSI IDs for all devices and record them for future
Step 10. Make any configuration changes.
Step 11. Before replacing the cover on your computer, verify your
- Is the host adapter connection in the PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express
bus slot secure?
- Are the internal SCSI bus connections secure?
- Are the external SCSI bus connections secure?
- Is the SCSI bus terminated correctly?
- Have the SCSI IDs been set and recorded for each device?
Step 12. Replace the cabinet cover on your computer.
Step 13. Plug in all power cords and turn on power to all devices and
your computer.
Step 14. Wait for your computer to start up.
The host adapter installation is complete.
Quick Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
1.3 Quick Windows Driver Installation
To load the SYMMPI.SYS miniport driver during a new Windows NT,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows .NET system installation, you
can boot directly from the Microsoft installation CD-ROM. The Windows
drivers are not interchangeable; however, the instructions are very similar.
To install a new Windows operating system and its appropriate device
driver, follow these steps:
Step 1. Have the Microsoft Windows driver diskette available to insert
into drive A when prompted.
Step 2. Boot the computer from the Microsoft Windows CD-ROM.
Step 3. Press F6 when the words Setup is inspecting your
computer's hardware configuration appear, or when
Windows prompts you for nonsupported drivers.
Important: You must press F6 for the new driver to be recognized.
Otherwise, the system does not recognize the devices
controlled by the driver during the Windows setup.
Step 4. Follow the instructions until a screen displaying the words
Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass
storage device… appear.
Step 5. Choose S to Specify Additional Devices.
Step 6. Follow the prompts and insert the Windows driver diskette
when prompted.
Step 7. Follow the Microsoft Windows installation procedure to
complete the installation. Microsoft provides documentation
with its installation CD-ROM.
Step 8. If you are installing Windows NT 4.0, also install the
Service Packs 5 or higher after Windows NT 4.0 has been
Refer to the Fusion-MPT™ Device Management User’s
Guide for detailed configuration and installation instructions
for all firmware and drivers.
Quick Installation Procedures
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2
Detailed Host Adapter
This chapter provides detailed instructions on how to install the LSI Logic
Ultra320 SCSI host adapters and includes these topics:
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.1 Installing Your Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter
This section provides detailed instructions for installing your Ultra320
SCSI host adapter and connecting your SCSI devices to it. The following
illustrations show the LSI22320-R Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI host
adapter. However, these illustrations apply to all host adapters. For
details on all the Ultra320 SCSI host adapters, refer to Chapter 3,
2.1.1 Selecting a PCI Slot
Follow these steps to locate a PCI slot.
Step 1. Turn off and unplug your computer.
Warning: Be sure to disconnect the computer’s power before you
remove the cover and install the Ultra320 SCSI host adapter.
Step 2. Open your computer cabinet by removing its cover.
Step 3. Be sure to touch a grounded metal surface to discharge static
electricity before removing the host adapter from its package.
You must touch a grounded metal surface before handling
the host adapter because static charges on your body can
damage electronic components. Handle plug-in boards by
the edge; do not touch board components or gold
connector contacts. LSI Logic recommends that you use a
static ground strap.
Step 4. Remove your Ultra320 SCSI host adapter from its packaging
and verify that it is not damaged.
illustrates the LSI22320E-R host adapter.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 2.1 Hardware Connections for the Host Adapter
Channel A
68-Pin Internal
High Density (HD)
SCSI Interface
J6 Connector
Channel A & B
Busy LED
J5 Connector
Channel B
68-Pin Internal
HD SCSI Interface
J4 Connector
Channel B
68-Pin External
Very High Density Cable
Interconnect (VHDCI)
SCSI J3 Connector
Channel A
68-Pin External
J1 Card Connector
Universal Type Board Edge
J2 Connector
PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express Bus to Mainboard
Step 5. Find an unused PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express slot.
You can insert a 64-bit host adapter into a 32-bit slot if no
64-bit slots are available. However, this limits the data
transmission rate to 32-bit transfers.
2.1.2 Inserting the Host Adapter
Follow these steps to install your Ultra320 SCSI host adapter in the
PC mainboard.
Step 1. Remove the blank bracket panel on the back of the computer that
is aligned with the PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express slot you have selected.
Save the bracket screw.
Step 2. Carefully insert the edge connector into the PCI Express slot.
Apply even pressure to both top corners of the board while
Do not apply pressure to the center of the board, or to any
add-on cards that are connected to the host bus adapter.
Installing Your Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 2.2 Inserting the Host Adapter
Bracket Screw
Press Here
Press Here
PCI Connectors
PCI Express
Connector x16
PCI Express
Connector x4
Edge of
Step 3. Make sure the edge connector is properly aligned before
pressing the adapter into place. The bracket should fit into the
empty space where the blank bracket panel was removed.
Step 4. Be sure to tighten the bracket screw into the bracket securely
before you connect the internal and external SCSI devices.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.2 SCSI Device Cables
For reliable Ultra320 operation, be sure to use an Ultra320-rated SCSI
device cable. The internal Ultra320 SCSI device cable also has built-in
low voltage differential (LVD) and single-ended termination. This built-in
feature is included because most LVD SCSI hard disk drives are not
made with on-board low voltage differential termination.
2.2.1 Internal SCSI Cables
You can connect all internal SCSI devices to the host adapter with an
unshielded, twisted pair, 68-pin ribbon cable. Some 68-pin internal SCSI
cables come with a low voltage differential and single-ended terminator
Figure 2.4 show internal SCSI cables with and without a terminator.
Figure 2.3 SCSI Cable – 68-Pin High Density with Terminator
Figure 2.4 SCSI Cable – 68-Pin High Density without Terminator
2.2.2 External SCSI Cable
You must connect all external SCSI devices to the host adapter with
cables. Select the correct 68-pin cable for your devices.
SCSI Device Cables
Version 2.2
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2.3 Connecting SCSI Devices
This section explains how to connect internal and external SCSI devices
to the Ultra320 SCSI host adapters.
2.3.1 Connecting Internal SCSI Devices
This subsection provides step-by-step instructions for connecting internal
SCSI devices. The figures show the LSI22320 host adapter, which has
two internal connectors and two external connectors. Other Ultra320
SCSI host adapter models have different numbers of connectors. Refer
internal cables. Follow these steps for making connections:
Step 1. Plug the 68-pin connector on the end of the SCSI ribbon
cable into the internal connector on the host adapter, as
Figure 2.8 shows.
Figure 2.8 Connecting Internal SCSI Cable to Host Adapter
Connecting SCSI Devices
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Step 2. Plug the 68-pin connector on the other end of the internal SCSI
ribbon cable into the SCSI connector on the internal SCSI
Figure 2.9 Connecting Multiple Internal SCSI Devices
Step 3. If you have another internal SCSI device, connect the internal
other devices if the cable has more connectors. The Ultra320
SCSI host adapters support up to 15 SCSI devices connected
to each SCSI channel.
Step 4. Be sure that termination is enabled at the end of the cable that
is farthest away from the SCSI host adapter. Refer to
details on SCSI bus termination.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
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Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.3.2 Connecting the LED Cable
Most computer cabinets have a front panel LED. When properly connected,
the front panel LED lights up when there is activity on the SCSI bus.
Connect the LED cable to connector J5 on the host adapter, as
Figure 2.10 shows. Connector J5 is not keyed.
Figure 2.10 SCSI LED Connector
LED Connector J5
Left two pins are for Channel A
Right two pins are for Channel B
The orientation of the LED cable does not matter as long as all four pins
are connected. If the LED does not light up during SCSI bus activity from
this host adapter, you may have to rotate the LED cable connector
180 degrees on J5.
If the LED cable has only two wires, place the connector on one end or
the other of J5. If the LED does not light up when there is SCSI activity,
move the connector to the other half of J5.
Connecting SCSI Devices
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.3.3 Connecting External SCSI Devices
This section provides step-by-step instructions for connecting external
for examples of external cables.
Step 1. Plug the 68-pin connector on one end of a shielded external
SCSI cable into the host adapter’s external SCSI connector.
This connector is exposed on the back panel of your computer.
Step 2. Plug the 68-pin connector on the other end of the shielded
external SCSI cable into the SCSI connector on the first
external SCSI device.
Figure 2.11 shows how to connect a single external SCSI device.
If you have the correct cable, it matches the external connector.
Figure 2.11 Connecting One External SCSI Device
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Step 3. Connect any additional SCSI devices to one another with
shielded external SCSI cables. You need a separate SCSI
cable for each additional device.
Figure 2.12 shows how to connect multiple external SCSI
Figure 2.12 Connecting Multiple External SCSI Devices
Enable termination
on the device at the
end of the bus.
termination on all
devices not at the
end of the bus.
Host Adapter
Step 4. Be sure that termination is enabled only on the last external
bus termination.
Connecting SCSI Devices
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.4 Terminating the SCSI Bus
The SCSI bus contains all the devices that you connect with SCSI cables.
When you connect the first and last physical SCSI devices on the ends
of the SCSI bus, you must have termination active. You must remove or
disable termination on all other SCSI devices on the same bus.
If you connect only internal SCSI devices on a bus, the host adapter
automatically terminates itself. If you connect only external SCSI devices
on a bus, the host adapter also terminates automatically. Automatic
termination occurs because the host adapter connection is at the end of
the SCSI bus. If you connect both internal and external SCSI devices on
a bus, the host adapter automatically disables its termination. This
occurs because the host adapter is in the middle of the SCSI bus.
Termination for host adapters with only one connector per channel is
always enabled for the channel.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.5 Setting SCSI IDs
SCSI IDs identify each SCSI device on the SCSI bus. Each SCSI ID on
a given bus must be unique. The IDs are 0–15 for a 16-bit bus. The
preset host adapter ID setting is 7, which gives the highest priority to the
host adapter.
Typically, you set the SCSI ID of the SCSI device with jumpers or with a
switch on the device. You must not duplicate SCSI IDs on a SCSI bus.
LSI Logic recommends that you record the SCSI IDs of all SCSI devices.
Table 2.1
SCSI ID Record for Dual Channel Host Adapter
SCSI ID SCSI Device Channel A
SCSI Device Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI host adapter
Ultra320 SCSI host adapter
Setting SCSI IDs
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.6 Completing the Installation
Before replacing the cover on your computer, complete the checklist as
Table 2.2
Host Adapter Installation Checklist
Verify Installation Procedures
Host adapter connection in PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express bus slot is
secure (level)
Internal SCSI bus connections are secure (pin-1 continuity)
External SCSI bus connections are secure
Proper SCSI bus termination established
Unique SCSI IDs set and recorded for each device
After you verify all items on the checklist, follow these steps:
Step 1. Replace the cabinet cover on your computer.
Step 2. Plug in all power cords, and turn on power to all devices and
your computer.
Step 3. Wait for your computer to boot up.
To change default configurations of the Ultra320 SCSI host
adapters, refer to the Fusion-MPT™ Device Management
System User’s Guide.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.7 Setting Up Integrated RAID (IR) Solution
The ‘‘R’’ at the end of a host adapter name indicates the board supports
the Integrated RAID solution. The Integrated RAID solution provides cost
benefits for the server or workstation market where the extra performance,
storage capacity, and/or redundancy of a RAID configuration are required.
The two components of the Integrated RAID solution are:
Integrated Mirroring™ (IM) solution, which provides features of
RAID 1 and RAID 1E
Integrated Striping™ (IS) solution, which provides features of RAID 0
By simplifying the IM and IS options and by providing firmware support
in its host adapters, LSI Logic can offer the Integrated RAID solution at
a lower cost than a dedicated processor based RAID implementation.
The Fusion-MPT Common Information Model (CIM) interface software
continuously monitors IM volumes and IS volumes, and reports status
and error conditions as they arise.
IM and IS are supported by different versions of the Fusion-MPT
firmware. Therefore, either IM or IS can be implemented on a system
with a Fusion-MPT based host adapter, but IM and IS cannot be used
concurrently on the same system.
The Fusion-MPT BIOS Configuration Utility (CU) configures the IM or IS
volume, which can use from two to six disk drives. The BIOS and drivers
support SCSI Domain Validation. Host-based CIM software monitors the
state of the physical disks and reports error conditions as they arise.
2.7.1 Integrated Mirroring (IM) Solution
As a result of the shift toward Network Attached Storage (NAS), ISPs
need a cost effective, fault-tolerant solution to protect the operating
systems on small form factor, high-density, rack-mountable servers. The
Integrated Mirroring (IM) solution provides data protection for the system
boot volume to safeguard critical information such as the OS on servers
and high performance workstations. This new Integrated Mirroring
solution gives customers a robust, high-performance, fault-tolerant
solution that is less expensive than a dedicated RAID controller.
Setting Up Integrated RAID (IR) Solution
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.7.2 Integrated Striping (IS) Solution
The Integrated Striping (IS) solution is targeted at applications that
require the faster performance and increased storage capacity of
striping. The IS solution is a low-cost solution with many of the features
of a more expensive RAID striping solution. A single IS logical drive may
be configured as the boot disk or as a data disk.
To set up the Integrated RAID (IM and IS) features, refer to the Integrated
RAID User’s Guide.
Detailed Host Adapter Installation
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3
Ultra320 SCSI
Host Adapter
This chapter describes the LSI Logic Ultra320 SCSI host adapters. This
chapter includes these topics:
3.1 Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
PCI, PCI-X and PCI Express are high-speed standard local buses for
interfacing a number of I/O components to the processor and memory
PCI/PCI-X or PCI Express x4 host adapters.
Table 3.1
Ultra320 SCSI to PCI/PCI-X or PCI Express x4 Host Adapters
SCSI Channel IR Support
Board Dimensions
Single Channel
6.6 x 2.53 inches, 167.6 x 64.3 mm
6.6 x 2.53 inches, 167.6 x 64.3 mm
Single Channel IR support
LSI20320L-R Single Channel IR support
LSI20320A Single Channel
LSI20320A-R Single Channel IR support
Low Profile 6.6 x 2.53 inches, 167.6 x 64.3 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
6.6 x 3.27 inches, 167.6 x 83.1 mm
Single Channel
Single Channel IR support
Dual Channel
Dual Channel
IR support
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Table 3.1
Ultra320 SCSI to PCI/PCI-X or PCI Express x4 Host Adapters (Cont.)
SCSI Channel IR Support
Board Dimensions
Dual Channel
Dual Channel
Dual Channel
Dual Channel
6.6 x 4.0 inches, 167.6 x 101.6 mm
6.6 x 4.0 inches, 167.6 x 101.6 mm
6.6 x 4.0 inches, 167.6 x 101.6 mm
7.75 x 4.376 inches, 196.9 x 106.7 mm
7.75 x 4.376 inches, 196.9 x 106.7 mm
IR support
LSI22320E-R Dual Channel
IR support
The component height on the top and bottom of the Ultra320 SCSI
host adapters follows the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2,
PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a, and
PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X Bridge Specification, Revision 1.0. The
Ultra320 SCSI host adapters are used in PCI/PCI-X and PCI Express
computer systems with PCI standard and PCI low profile bracket types.
3.1.1 LSI20320 Single Channel Host Adapters
The LSI20320 series of host adapters are single channel Ultra320 SCSI
host adapters that provide one Ultra320 SCSI channel. The SCSI
Channel A interface is made through connectors J1 and J3.
Features of the LSI20320 series of host adapters are:
single Ultra320 SCSI channel
two SCSI connectors
one external 68-pin very high density cable interconnect (VHDCI)
one internal 68-pin high density (HD) connector
PCI low profile bracket (LSI20320L-R only)
LVD/SE termination
Integrated RAID (IR) solution applies to the ‘‘R’’ cards only
Fusion-MPT architecture
Details of the LSI20320 series of host adapters are:
J5: PCI and PCI-X, 64-bit, universal type board edge connector
J1: 68-pin VHDCI shielded right-angle external connector
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
J3: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connector
HDR2: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem IDs are:
Host Adapter
Subsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded
SCSI controller.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the LSI20320 series of host adapters. The
LSI20320L-R adapter uses a PCI low profile bracket.
Figure 3.1 LSI20320, LSI20320-R, and LSI21320L-R Host Adapter
HDR2 Connector for
Channel A
Channel A
Internal SCSI Connector
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J5 – PCI and PCI-X 64-Bit Edge Connector
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.1.2 LSIU320 and LSI20320A Single Channel Host Adapters
The LSIU320 and LSI20320A series of host adapters are single channel
Ultra320 SCSI host adapters that provide one Ultra320 SCSI channel.
The SCSI Channel A interface for is made through connectors J2 and J3.
Features of the LSIU320 and LSI20320A series of host adapters are:
single Ultra320 SCSI channel
two SCSI connectors
one external 68-pin HD connector
one internal 68-pin HD connector
LVD/SE termination
Integrated RAID (IR) solution applies to the ‘‘R’’ cards only
Fusion-MPT architecture
Details of the LSIU320 and LSI20320A series of host adapters are:
J1: PCI and PCI-X, 64-bit, universal type board edge connector
J2: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connector
J3: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connector
J4: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem IDs are:
Host Adapter
Subsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded
SCSI controller.
Figure 3.2 illustrates the LSIU320 and LSI20320A series of host
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 3.2 LSIU320, LSIU320-R, LSI20320A, and LSI20320A-R Host
Adapter Drawing
J4 LED Connector
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J1 – PCI and PCI-X
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.1.3 LSI21320 Dual Channel Host Adapters
The LSI21320 series of host adapters are dual channel Ultra320 SCSI host
adapters that provide two Ultra320 SCSI channels. The SCSI Channel A
interface is made through connectors J2 and J4. The SCSI Channel B
Features of the LSI21320 series of host adapters are:
two independent Ultra320 SCSI channels
three SCSI connectors:
one external 68-pin HD connector
two internal 68-pin HD connectors
LVD/SE termination
Integrated RAID (IR) solution applies to the ‘‘R’’ cards only
Fusion-MPT architecture
Details of the LSI21320 series of host adapters are:
J1: PCI and PCI-X, 64-bit, universal type board edge connector
J2: 68-pin HD cable right-angle external connector
J3 and J4: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connectors
J6: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem IDs are:
Host Adapter
Subsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded
SCSI controller.
Figure 3.3 illustrates the LSI21320 series of host adapter board.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 3.3 LSI21320 and LSI21320-R Host Adapter Drawing
J6 for
A and B
Channel A
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J1 – PCI and PCI-X
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.1.4 LSI22320 Dual Channel Host Adapters
The LSI22320 series of host adapters are dual channel Ultra320 SCSI
host adapters that provide two Ultra320 SCSI channels. The SCSI
Channel A interface is made through connectors J2 and J6. The SCSI
Channel B interface is made through connectors J3 and J4. See
Features of the LSI22320 series of host adapters are:
two independent Ultra320 SCSI channels
four SCSI connectors:
two external 68-pin VHDCI connectors
two internal 68-pin HD connectors
LVD/SE termination
Integrated RAID (IR) solution applies to the ‘‘R’’ cards only
Fusion-MPT architecture
Details of the LSI22320 series of host adapters are:
J1: PCI and PCI-X, 64-bit, universal type board edge connector
J2 and J3: 68-pin VHDCI right-angle external connectors
J4 and J6: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connectors
J5: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem IDs are:
Host Adapter
Subsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded
SCSI controller.
illustrates the LSI22320T host adapter.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 3.4 LSI22320 and LSI22320-R Host Adapter Drawing
Channel B
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J1 – PCI and PCI-X
Figure 3.5 LSI22320T Host Adapter Drawing
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J1 – PCI and PCI-X
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.1.5 LSI22320E Dual Channel Host Adapters
The LSI22320E series of host adapters are dual channel Ultra320 SCSI
host adapters that provide two Ultra320 SCSI channels. The SCSI
Channel A interface is made through connector J2. The SCSI Channel B
Features of the LSI22320E and LSI22320E-R host adapters are:
two independent Ultra320 SCSI channels
three SCSI connectors:
two external 68-pin VHDCI connectors
one internal 68-pin HD connectors
LVD/SE termination
Integrated RAID (IR) solution applies to the ‘‘R’’ cards and the
B Channel only
Fusion-MPT architecture
Details of the LSI22320 series of host adapters are:
J1: PCI-Express x4 lanes, serial board edge connector
J2 and J3: 68-pin VHDCI right-angle external connectors
J5: 68-pin HD right-angle internal connectors
HDR2: 4-pin low density unshrouded right-angle LED connector
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem IDs are:
Host Adapter
Subsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
During system initialization, the system loads the ID numbers into the
Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID registers of the embedded
SCSI controller.
Figure 3.6 illustrates the LSI22320E and the LSI22320E-R host adapter.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 3.6 LSI22320E and LSI22320E-R Host Adapter Drawing
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
Channel B
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
PCI Express
Channel A
Ultra320 SCSI LVD/SE
J1 – PCI-Express
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.2 Host Adapter Characteristics
host adapters.
Table 3.2
Host Adapter Characteristics
Flash Serial
ROM EEPROM Signaling Data Transfers
Ultra320 SCSI
16-bit SE Up to 320 Mbytes/s as well as Plug and Play
or LVD Fast, Ultra, Ultra2, and
Scatter/Gather autoresetting
interfaces Ultra160 speeds; Synchronous Activity LED
offsets up to 62.
circuit breaker
1. For boot code and firmware.
2. For BIOS configuration storage.
Each Ultra320 SCSI host adapter offers SureLINK Domain Validation
technology to ensure data integrity by intelligently validating the
compatibility of the SCSI domain. These adapters also utilize Fusion-MPT
architecture that allows for thinner drivers and better performance.
3.3 Technical Specifications
The design and implementation of the Ultra320 SCSI host adapters
minimize electromagnetic emissions, susceptibility to radio frequency
energy, and the effects of electrostatic discharge. The adapter carries the
CE mark, C-Tick mark, FCC Self-Certification logo, Canadian
Compliance Statement, Korean MIC, Taiwan BSMI, Japan VCCI, and
meets the requirements of CISPR Class B.
3.3.1 Electrical Characteristics
Ultra320 SCSI host adapters, including SCSI TERMPWR, under
normal operation.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Table 3.3
Maximum Power Requirements
PCI Express
PRSNT2# Power
+5.0 V
+3.3 V
+12 V
1.5 A
2.0 A
15 W
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C
1.5 A
2.0 A
7.5 W
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C
1.5 A
2.5 A
2.5 A
0.0 A
15 W
15 W
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C
2.1 A
0 ˚C to 55 ˚C
3.3.2 Thermal and Atmospheric Characteristics
The thermal and atmospheric characteristics for all Ultra320 SCSI host
adapters are:
temperature range: 0 °C to 55 °C (dry bulb)
relative humidity range: 5% to 90% noncondensing
maximum dew point temperature: 32 °C
airflow must be sufficient to keep the LSI53C1020 and LSI53C1030
heat sink temperature below 80 °C
host adapters using the LSI53C1020A do not require a heat sink
The following parameters define the storage and transit environment for
the Ultra320 SCSI host adapters:
temperature range: −40 °C to 105 °C (dry bulb)
relative humidity range: 5% to 90% noncondensing
3.3.3 Safety Characteristics
All Ultra320 SCSI host adapters meet or exceed the requirements of UL
flammability rating 94 V0. Each bare board is also marked with the
supplier’s name or trademark, type, and UL flammability rating. Because
these boards are installed in a PCI bus slot, all voltages are below the
SELV 42.4 V limit.
Technical Specifications
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter Characteristics
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Appendix A
Glossary of Terms
The electrical connection required at each end of the SCSI bus,
composed of active voltage regulation and a set of termination resistors.
Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI, Ultra160 SCSI, and Ultra320 SCSI require
active termination.
Basic Input/Output System. Software that provides basic read/write
capability. Usually kept as firmware (ROM-based). The system BIOS on
the mainboard of a computer boots and controls the system. The SCSI
BIOS on the host adapter acts as an extension of the system BIOS.
Device Driver
Refers to the way a computer is set up; the combined hardware
components (computer, monitor, keyboard, and peripheral devices) that
make up a computer system; or the software settings that allow the
hardware components to communicate with each other.
A program that allows a microprocessor (through the operating system)
to direct the operation of a peripheral device, such as a disk drive.
A software procedure in which a host queries a device to determine its
ability to communicate at the negotiated data rate.
Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. A memory
chip that typically stores configuration information.
External SCSI
A SCSI device installed outside the computer cabinet. These devices are
connected together using specific types of shielded cables.
Fusion-MPT (Message Passing Technology) architecture consists of
several main elements: Fusion-MPT firmware, the Fibre Channel and
SCSI hardware, and the operating system level drivers that support these
architectures. Fusion-MPT architecture offers a single binary, operating
system driver that supports both Fibre Channel and SCSI devices.
Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapters User’s Guide
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
The computer system in which a SCSI host adapter is installed. It uses
the SCSI host adapter to transfer information to and from devices
attached to the SCSI bus.
Host Adapter
A circuit board or integrated circuit that provides a device connection to
the host.
Integrated RAID The LSI Logic Integrated RAID solution provides either the
Integrated Mirroring (IM) solution, which provides features of RAID 1 and
RAID 1E, or the Integrated Striping (IS) solution, which provides features
of RAID 0.
Mirroring (IM)
The LSI Logic Integrated Mirroring (IM) solution provides features of
RAID 1 and RAID 1E. The IM feature provides data protection for the
system boot volume to safeguard critical information such as the
operating system on servers and high performance workstations. The IM
feature gives customers a robust, high-performance, fault-tolerant
solution that is less expensive than a dedicated RAID controller.
Striping (IS)
The LSI Logic Integrated Striping (IS) solution provides features of RAID
0. The IS feature is a low-cost solution with many of the features of a
more expensive RAID striping solution. A single IS logical drive may be
configured as the boot disk or as a data disk.
Internal SCSI
A SCSI device installed inside the computer cabinet. These devices are
connected to one another with an unshielded ribbon cable.
Peripheral Component Interconnect. A high performance local bus
specification that allows connection of devices directly to computer
memory. The PCI Local Bus allows transparent upgrades from a 32-bit
data path at 33 MHz to a 64-bit data path at 33 MHz; from a 32-bit data
path at 66 MHz to a 64-bit data path at 66 MHz; and from a 32-bit data
path at 133 MHz to a 64-bit data path at 133 MHz (1064 Mbytes/s peak).
PCI Express
PCI Express is the third generation high performance I/O bus that
interconnects peripheral devices. PCI Express replaces parallel PCI bus
with a highly scalable, fully serial interface. PCI Express takes advantage
of recent advances in point-to-point interconnects, switchbased technology,
and packetized protocol to deliver new levels of performance and features.
A piece of hardware (such as a disk drive, printer, or CD-ROM) used with
a computer and under the computer’s control. SCSI peripheral devices
are controlled through a SCSI host adapter.
Glossary of Terms
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Redundant Array of Independent Disks. An array of multiple independent
hard disk drives that yields better performance than a Single Large
Expensive Disk (SLED). A RAID disk subsystem improves I/O
performance on a server using only a single drive. The RAID array
appears to the host server as a single storage unit. I/O is expedited
because several disks can be accessed simultaneously.
Provides block “striping” across multiple drives, yielding higher
performance than is possible with individual drives. This level does not
provide any redundancy.
Drives are paired and mirrored. All data is 100 percent duplicated on a
drive of equivalent size.
A host adapter and one or more SCSI devices connected by cables in a
linear configuration. The host adapter may exist anywhere on the bus,
allowing connection of both internal and external SCSI devices. A system
may have more than one SCSI bus by using a multichannel host adapter
or by using multiple host adapters.
SCSI Device
Any device that conforms to the SCSI standard and is attached to the
SCSI bus by a SCSI cable. This includes SCSI host adapters, SCSI disk
drives, SCSI CD-ROM drives, and so on.
An identifier that addresses specific devices on the SCSI bus and
determines device selection when multiple devices contend for ownership
of the SCSI bus. Wide SCSI buses support SCSI IDs 0–15, and narrow
SCSI buses support SCSI IDs 0–7. A device gains ownership of the bus
according to the priority of its SCSI ID. The order of priority, from highest
to lowest, is: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8. The host
adapter is usually set to the highest priority SCSI ID, which is SCSI ID 7.
A hardware specification for connecting SCSI devices. It references each
SCSI signal to a common ground. In contrast, differential SCSI uses a
separate ground for each signal.
Ultra SCSI
The domain validation method developed and used by LSI Logic.
SureLINK Domain Validation provides three levels of integrity checking:
Basic (level 1), Enhanced (level 2), and Margined (level 3).
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to
20 Mbytes/s over an 8-bit SCSI bus and up to 40 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit
SCSI bus.
Glossary of Terms
Version 2.2
Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ultra2 SCSI
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to
40 Mbytes/s over an 8-bit SCSI bus, and up to 80 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit
SCSI bus.
Ultra160 SCSI
Ultra320 SCSI
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to
160 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit SCSI bus.
A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to
320 Mbytes/s over a 16-bit SCSI bus.
Very High Density Cable Interconnect. VHDCI cables connect external
SCSI devices to the host adapter.
Glossary of Terms
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Copyright © 2002–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
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